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Help us shape our future Standards
Are our Standards fit for the future? We've launched a public consultation to gather your views and feedback. We want to make sure that our Standards (for both regulators and Accredited Registers) continue to evolve and that the next version of the Standards look for the right things, but can also flex to meet current and future challenges.
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Explore allOrganisations we oversee
Our oversight role protects the public and improves the regulation and registration of health and care practitioners in the UK.
Find out moreImproving regulation
We anticipate future challenges, identify safety gaps, and promote collaboration on key issues impacting health and social care though our policy and research work.
Read moreCheck a practitioner
How to check the details of a practitioner on the registers of the organisations we oversee, including regulators and Accredited Registers
Publications hub
Visit our publications hub and find all our latest research, policy papers and reports covering an array of issues. We regularly update this resource with all our latest publications.
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Frequently asked questions
Do you have questions about us or what we do? Here is a list of the most commonly asked questions that you may have, so please use it and if you can’t find the answer here then you can contact us.
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