Consultation on a review of the Standards of Good Regulation

12 Jun 2017

In June 2017, we undertook a consultation on potential changes to the Standards. The consultation considered the following areas:

  • What areas of the regulators’ work should be considered in the revised Standards
  • Whether new Standards should be adopted
  • Whether the Standards should be rationalised to remove some areas of duplication or where Standards may no longer be necessary or useful
  • Whether the presentation of the Standards should be changed
  • Whether the ‘met/not met’ approach to assessing performance against the Standards remained appropriate. 

We used these Standards to work with the regulators to help them develop and improve and we must challenge ourselves to do the same. In 2016 we introduced a new performance review process and we thought the time was right to review the Standards.

The consultation has now closed. The deadline for responses was 12 September 2017. If you would like to keep up-to-date with developments and how we take this forward, sign up to our free e-newsletter.
