Our Process

The regulators send us all of the decisions made by their final fitness to practise committee panels. We read the decisions and if we have a concern, we ask for copies of all the evidence. A review of the panel decision along with all of the evidence is carried out to identify whether their decision is materially wrong or unjust because of a serious or other procedural irregularity, and if so, whether the decision is insufficient to protect the public. 

If we continue to be concerned and consider that the decision may be insufficient to protect the public, we can hold a case meeting where one or more decision-makers will decide whether to refer the case to Court. We will instruct a lawyer (either a solicitor or barrister) to provide advice to the decision-makers, however the decision to refer to Court will be made by the decision-makers only. 

We only refer decisions to Court if there is no other effective means of protecting the public.

You can find more information about our process here..

Link to our section 29 guidance

Section 29 process and guidelines (professionalstandards.org.uk)