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About our Board

Our Board are responsible for determining the overall policies that affect the way we carry out our business. They set our strategic direction and approve our annual business plan and budget

An image showing dots in different light colours of pink used in about us

There are eight members:

  • A Chair appointed by the Privy Council
  • Three Non-executive members; one appointed by the Scottish Ministers, one appointed by the Welsh Ministers and the third appointed by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland
  • Three Non-executive members appointed by the Privy Council
  • One executive member appointed by our Board itself
  • An Associate Board member appointed for two years

Our Board have different skills and backgrounds. They are not health or care professionals because the legislation under which we were set up does not allow anyone who has been a member of a profession that is regulated to sit on our Board.

We welcome members of the public to virtually observe our Board meetings and always invite questions. 

Meet our Board members

You can find out more about the members of our Board here

Board meeting papers and agendas

Our Board meets every other month and agendas and papers are published one week before the meeting. You can find them here. You can find the Board minutes from previous meetings here.

Executive Leadership Team

Meet our leadership team here.

Our committees

The work of our Board is supported by our Audit and Risk Committee, Scrutiny Committee, and Nominations Committee. You can find more information here.

Watch a Q&A in which PSA Chief Executive, Alan Clamp discusses how to address safety gaps with Dr Henrietta Hughes, England's Patient Safety Commissioner