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Get involved

There are several ways to get involved with our work including sharing experience of a regulator or Accredited Register or responding to one of our consultations.

Image showing dots in different colours of magenta used in the about us section of the PSA website

How to get involved in our work 

There are a few ways in which you can get involved with us and our work. 

Give feedback on your experience of regulators or Accredited Registers

What you tell us about your experience with the regulators and Accredited Registers we oversee – whether good or bad – is useful information for our assessments of those organisations. 

Give feedback on your experience with a regulator or accredited register.

We are the oversight body for the organisations that regulate people working in health and social care. We do not regulate individuals and that means that we do not have the power to handle complaints about individual health and care practitioners. There are several different organisations who handle complaints, and which of them you should contact will depend on the nature of your complaint and who it is about. Find out more about where to go to make a complaint.

Complain about us

We want everyone who has contact with us to have the best possible experience however we understand that sometimes things can go wrong. When it does, we would like a chance to make things better. You can find out how to tell us about when something has gone wrong here.  

Take part in a consultation

We run consultations so we can gather your feedback and use it to help develop our plans and policies.   

Indicate your interest in sharing your opinion on a range of issues and proposals

There are times when we seek the views of patients, health and social care service-users and members of the public on different issues. These may not be formal consultations but are issues where it is still helpful for us to get the input of the public. These usually relate to our own plans and policies but can sometimes be about issues within the health and care sector more broadly.

If you would like to indicate an interest in us contacting you when we are seeking such views in future, please email: 

Share your experience with us