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Our Standards

We set standards for regulators and Accredited Registers. Our standards form the basis of our work reviewing the regulators and accrediting registers and awarding them our Quality Mark.

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Our Standards are the backbone of our work. They form the basis on which we review and assess the regulators and Accredited Registers we oversee.

Standards of Good Regulation

Each year we check how well each of the 10 regulators we oversee is meeting our Standards of Good Regulation. We call this process a performance review. It helps us to assess how well they are doing their job of protecting the public. We publish the result in a report which sets out key findings, highlights good practice, includes recommendations as well as areas for improvement.

Read our Standards of Good Regulation

Standards for Accredited Registers

We independently assess registers who apply to us to become part of our Accredited Registers programme. We use our Standards for Accredited Registers to do this. When we are satisfied that a register has met all the Standards, we publish a report on the outcome and award a 'Quality Mark'. This shows that an organisation is committed to protecting the public and is working to good practice.

Read our Standards for Accredited Registers

Are our Standards fit for the future? Help us shape them

We've launched a consultation to help us shape our future Standards for both regulators and Accredited Registers. We're asking for feedback and input to help shape how regulators and Accredited Registers are assessed in the future. It's also a chance to suggest areas that should be looked at which are not currently covered by the Standards.

Find out more about consultation