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Right-touch assurance

The Right-touch assurance tool assesses the risk of harm presented by different health and care occupations and professions to inform decisions on the appropriate type of regulation for occupations and professions in health and social care. We found that the reasons for regulating, or not regulating, a particular group were not always clear or consistent. We developed this tool to help governments and regulators make these decisions on more transparent basis, using the risk-based approach set out in Right-touch regulation.

Right-touch assurance helps 

The tool should lead to decisions, which reduce the risk of harm to patients and service users arising from a profession's practices. There are a range of forms of regulation that can be applied to any profession=, and Right-touch assurance can identify the most effective one. 

Find out more about our right-touch methodology:

Read about our right-touch assessment tool

See how we put the assessment tool into practice for Health Education England

Right-touch assurance for sonographers