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Privacy statement
The purpose of this notice is to tell you what you can expect when the Professional Standards Authority (the PSA) collects personal data. It includes information we collect about:
- Job applications and recruitment
- Information about our staff
- Expense claims
- Complaint/share your experience information
- Information in relation to a subject access request of Freedom of information request
- Visitors to our website
- People who subscribe to our newsletter
- People who respond to a consultation/call for information
- Information regarding people who attend our events
- Information regarding fitness to practise cases
- Performance review.
We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of your personal data. Your personal information will be held strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
We will only collect the minimum information necessary to meet our stated purposes and this will be held securely in electronic format. Where information is sent physically, it will be scanned electronically and hard copies destroyed securely in line with our retention and disposal policy.
If there is a specific need to retain an original or hard copy this will be stated clearly in Privacy Notice.
If you have any enquiries about our privacy statement please email Read our full Privacy Notice.