Outcome of our Appeals

When we refer a case to Court we set out the grounds for our appeal and wait for the case to be listed for a hearing. Sometimes, after we have referred a case to Court, we have been able to find ways to protect the public without the need for a Court hearing, in line with our Alternative Disputes Resolution policy.

If a case proceeds to a Court hearing, we attend Court with our lawyers and present our case. The judge can:

  • Dismiss our appeal
  • Allow our appeal and quash the relevant decision
  • Substitute another decision in place of the original decision, or
  • Send the case back to the regulator’s fitness to practise committee for reconsideration.

You can find a copy of the Court judgements and orders on our appeals, as well as the consent orders we agree with regulators at the link above.

Although we publish Court Judgments indefinitely, we only publish consent orders for 6 months. Please contact us if you would like to access any redacted archived consent orders. 

This takes us to a separate page with our court judgments and consent orders