Thresholds for referrals of concerns to regulatory bodies

12 Aug 2008

Our August 2008 advice to the Secretary of State recommends how employers should conduct investigations into concerns, and whether there might be a common definition of the threshold for referral of a concern to a regulatory body.


The report recommends how employers should conduct investigations into concerns. These were incorporated into the Tackling Concerns Locally Clinical Governance Report from the Department of Health. The report also considers whether there might be a common definition of the threshold for referral of a concern to a regulatory body, and concludes that it would be more effective to develop clearer signposting to existing advice and guidance.

This paper argues that attempts to harmonise the guidance available to employers on when to refer a case to a regulatory body would be of limited use. Instead, it proposes that efforts are focussed on signposting employers to regulatory bodies’ own guidance and advice. It also proposes that CHRE’s performance review should look closely at the way that regulatory bodies engage with employers to ensure their advice and guidance in this respect represents good practice.


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