Bioinformatics Scientist
Bioinformatics scientists use computer technology to investigate life sciences, such as genetic codes, viruses and flu. They are not regulated by law, but may join a register that is accredited by the PSA.
Filter by: Filter by Practitioner Acupuncturist Alexander Technique Teacher Anaesthesia associate Aromatherapist Arts Therapist Audiologist Behaviour Analyst Bioinformatics Scientist Biomechanical Engineer Biomedical Scientist Bowen Therapist Cardiac Physiologist CBT practitioners Child & Young Person's Therapist Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner (CWP) Chiropodist Chiropractor Clinical Associate in Applied Psychology (CAAP) Clinical Associate in Psychology (CAP) Clinical Dental Technician Clinical Physiologist Clinical Psychologist Clinical Scientist Clinical Technologist Colonic Hydrotherapist Complementary Therapist Cosmetic Practitioner (non-surgical) Counselling Psychologist Counsellor Craniosacral Therapist Dental Hygienist Dental Nurse Dental Technician Dental Therapist Dentist Dietician Dispensing Optician Doctor Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) Educational Audiologist Educational Psychologist Equine Practitioner Evidence Based Parent Trainers (EBPT) Gastroenterology Physiologist Haematologist Hair Restoration Surgeon Healer Health Informatics Scientist Health Psychologist Health Visitor Healthcare Chaplain Healthcare Scientist Hearing Aid Dispenser Hearing Therapist Hypnotherapist Kinesiologist Life Scientist Massage Therapist Medical Engineer Medical Illustrator Microbiologist Microsystems Acupuncturist Midwife Naturopath Neurophysiologist Nuclear Medicine Scientist Nurse Nursing Associate Nutritional Therapist Occupational Hygienist Occupational Psychologist Occupational Therapist Operating Department Practitioner Optician Optometrist Orthodontic Therapist Orthoptist Orthotist Osteopath Paramedic Pharmacist Pharmacy Technician Physical Scientist Physician associate Physiological Scientist Physiologist Physiotherapist Play Therapist Podiatrist Practitioner Psychologist Prosthetist Psychiatrist Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP) Psychotherapist Public Health Practitioner Radiation Engineer Radiation Physicist Radiographer Radiographer Radiotherapist Reflexologist Rehabilitation Engineer Reiki Therapist Renal Technician Respiratory Physiologist Shiatsu Therapist Sleep Physiologist Social Worker Sonographer Speech or Language Therapist Sport Rehabilitation Practitioner Sports and Exercise Psychologist Sports Massage Therapist Sports Therapist Talking Therapist Trichologist Vision Habilitation Specialist Vision Rehabilitation Worker Wellbeing Practitioners Yoga Therapist