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Since our last newsletter, we have published blogs on:

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Time for a change? Why we are consulting on reviewing the Standards of Good Regulation Mark Stobbs, the Authority’s Director of Scrutiny and Quality explains why the time is right to review the Standards.

Gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare Chief Executive, Harry Cayton, shares his views on the Williams Review on Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare and what he thinks of its recommendations.

Public protection: the systems of statutory regulation and Accredited Registers Margaret Coats looks at the parallel systems of public protection - having experience of working in both these systems: statutory healthcare regulation and accredited registers.

Professional Identity: a question of space versus place? Dr Katerina Kolyva reflects on how ‘space’ and ‘place’ can contribute to developing professional identity.

Why does professional regulation need to be reformed? Douglas Bilton, Assistant Director of Policy and Standards asks ‘Has the way we regulate health and care professions in the UK passed its sell-by date?

Find out more about our blogs on our website. If you would like to submit a guest blog on a top related to professional health regulation, please get in touch with us by emailing: