We publish reports explaining how we judge each regulator's performance against our Standards of Good Regulation
How we carry out performance reviews
Every year, we look at each regulator using a thorough performance review process and we:
- review information the regulator publishes
- look at data on their registration and fitness to practise processes
- check their public register
- review their fitness to practise decisions (these are the decisions made about misconduct allegations brought against health and care professionals)
- consider feedback from people who have dealt with the regulator and shared their experience with us.
Our review cycle
Our performance reviews are carried out over a three-year cycle.
Every three years, we conduct an intensive ‘periodic review’ and in the other two years, we monitor performance and produce shorter reports.
We can undertake a periodic review sooner if we identify new risks or concerns.
Always aiming to improve standards
Even when a regulator meets our standards, there's always room to get better. We keep an eye on areas where they can improve.
Reviewing the regulators in practice
Find out more about how our work reviewing the regulators' performance contributes to protecting the public in this short case study.
Useful resources
Escalating concerns about a regulator's performance
We have updated our process guide on how we escalate concerns about a regulator's performance. You can find out more here.
Read all our regulator performance reviews
You can read all our regulator performance reviews in our report section.