A 'new look' for our regulator reviews - we publish our first reports

01 Jul 2022

Over the past two years we have been continuously working on improving our performance reviews.

The feedback we received has helped shape our new process and has made our new reports more readable, accessible, and useful to regulators, and to those who show interest in their work. We have just published the first two reports under our new process. 

This week we published the first two reports under our new performance review approach which we describe here. These reports are for the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The GOsC and HCPC are the first two regulators to go through a monitoring review, and we greatly value the feedback we have received from them so far on the new approach.

Under our new approach, we review each regulator in detail every three years, and monitor their performance in-between. We will continue to report every year on the performance of each regulator, but how we report has changed. While we will continue to report in detail for periodic reviews, our monitoring reports will be more concise and focused on key areas of interest from that year.

Both of the reports published are monitoring reports. We hope you find the new format an engaging and useful summary of how the regulators performed over the past year.

One of the important changes we have made to our approach is to set ourselves the target of publishing reports within three months of the end of the review period (I’m pleased to say we have met that target for these reports; only just – but we expected to be pushing the target for these as they were the first two). This should mean our reports are more useful for both the regulators and people interested in their work, as they provide more timely and up-to-date information than our previous reports, which were sometimes published many months after the review period ended.

We’re excited by these developments – both our new approach and the new reporting structure. We want our reports to be more accessible to a wider audience and highlight our key findings more effectively.

We'll be publishing reports regularly, as regulators' performance review periods are staggered throughout the year. Keep an eye out for the next reports in the coming months.

We look forward to continuing to develop our work in this area. We would love to hear what you think of our new reports, especially any improvements that we could make. If you would like to get in touch, please contact Graham Mockler, Assistant Director of Scrutiny and Quality, at graham.mockler@professionalstandards.org.uk

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