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UK Board of Healthcare Chaplaincy
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The UK Board of Healthcare Chaplaincy (UKBHC) holds a voluntary Register of healthcare chaplains in the UK and seeks to promote the confidence of the public and employers in healthcare chaplaincy and to develop professional standards of practice.
In September 2024, we reviewed the actions UKBHC had taken to meet the 12 Conditions we issued at its full renewal assessment in January 2024. You can read the full report of the Conditions Review.
Nine (9) of the 12 Conditions were met. Of the three that were not met, two were merged and re-issued as Condition One, while the other was re-issued as Condition Two. Both Conditions were re-issued with deadlines for implementation.
We completed our review of the conditions we re-issued to UKBHC in September 2024. We found that both re-issued conditions have been met, and as a result all Standards continue to be met. Accordingly, accreditation is fully confirmed with no outstanding conditions. You can download our report below.
In February 2025, we formally initiated a Targeted Review of UKBHC. This comes in the wake of a recommendation from the Annual Check we carried out in November 2024 that an investigation was required into the impact of the recent changes in the Board membership of UKBHC after a new Chair took up post in January 2025. Apart from the need to inquire into the robustness of UKBHC’s planning in business continuity, the review will seek to confirm the Register’s governance effectiveness and resilience in meeting the ongoing demands of accreditation. UKBHC’s recent response to our re-issued Conditions provides an indication that the new team assembled around the work of managing and leading the Register are well equipped to ensure effective operations. The Targeted Review will, therefore, seek to reconfirm the resilience that the new UKBHC Board has so far demonstrated.