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Environmental statement

Statement on Net Zero

We realise that our work can have an impact on the environment and we are committed to reducing negative impact. As a small organisation, we do not have any formal obligation to meet Net Zero, but we want to play our part in contributing to reducing emissions, meeting government targets on climate change and minimising our impact on the environment.

Our approach to achieving this is: 

  • Continuously improving our environmental performance and integrating best practice into the way we conduct our business.
  • Reducing our consumption of resources and improving the efficiency of use of these resources.
  • Minimising waste and pollution by evaluating our operations (including ensuring that office cleaning and recycling is carried out by a carbon neutral company, using plant-based cleaning agents which are environmentally friendly).
  • Giving due consideration to environmental issues such as biodiversity and energy performance in the acquisition, design, refurbishment, location and use of buildings and meeting venues.
  • Ensuring environmental, including climate change, criteria are considered in the procurement of goods and services.
  • Complying as a minimum with all relevant environmental legislation.
  • Seeking relevant accreditation of our environmental approach.
  • Adopting low impact forms of travel wherever possible.

To meet our commitments, we will:

  • Monitor our environmental performance at least annually and publish relevant information in our Annual Report and Accounts. For the 2024/25 report and beyond this will include a summary of the environmental impact of our business travel.
  • Publish this statement on our website.
  • Work together with our people, service providers, suppliers, landlords and their agents to promote improved environmental performance.
  • Promote appropriate consideration of sustainability and environmental issues to those we oversee.
  • Stay abreast of knowledge and best practice in operating as an environmentally conscious organisation.
  • Review our environmental statement annually.