Reviewing our Standards - consultation overview and explainer
13 Feb 2025
Why are we reviewing our Standards?
We want to check that our Standards (for both regulators and Accredited Registers) are fit for the future - that they measure the right things but, more importantly, continue to drive improvement in the organisations we oversee.
This consultation closes at 5pm on 8 May 2025. We've launched a survey to collect responses.
It is your opportunity to influence what we look at and how we do it when assessing regulator and voluntary register performance. It’s your chance to tell us what you think about the current Standards, and to help shape how we assess regulators and Accredited Registers in the future. It’s also a chance to tell us if there are other areas we should be assessing.
The consultation responses we receive will all be considered and used to develop our approach going forward. This could be by introducing new Standards on areas such as culture, governance or duty of candour, or the removal or simplification of current standards.
You can find out more about the consultation in this overview and explainer document, including the background, context and how to respond.
We've also launched a call for evidence to run alongside our consultation to gather any published research, data or other written evidence which suggests ways professional regulation and registration could improve.
Find out more
Find out more about the consultation and our review of the Standards