The Authority's review of the Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia published

10 Jul 2018

We are pleased to publish A legislation and governance review conducted for Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, and a letter responding to our report from the CEO and Registrar of EGBC, Ann English. 

Earlier this year EGBC commissioned this review of its legislation, bylaws and the policies and procedures it has in place to support its governance, with an assessment of how these are supported or hindered by its legislation. It also commissioned an assessment of its governance against our governance standards, adapted to reflect its legislation and structure.  EGBC wanted to understand whether there were any gaps or issues in its legislation that affected its ability to regulate effectively in the public interest.

In the report, we present our analysis of the evidence we have reviewed against our standards, and 20 recommendations to EGBC to help it regulate more effectively. We found that EGBC met seven of the nine governance standards, with the two not met relating to risk management and the extent to which its legal framework enables it to make decisions transparently and with a public interest focus.  We are convinced that EGBC is committed to regulating the engineering and geoscience professions in the public interest; however, in our view there is still some way to go before its legal framework fully supports it in doing so.

We were particularly pleased to have the opportunity to work outside health and care, to help build learning and understanding across professional regulators internationally.