
We show our commitment to transparency by disclosing information relating to the following:


We use the following definition of hospitality: the friendly and generous treatment of guests or strangers (given or received) by members or Directors of the Authority, including the cost of meals, whilst on official Authority business. You can find out more about spend on Hospitality and gifts for 2021/22, 2020/21, 2019/20, 2018/19, 2017/18 and for 2016/17.

Exclusions: sandwiches and other minor hospitality with a value below £25.00.


We publish quarterly expenses for our Board Members and Management Team. Some of our Board members are based outside London and, as many of our Board and other meetings take place in London, are therefore likely to incur greater travel costs than those based in London.

Some expenses relating to an event may not be posted in the same quarter due to the timing of members' expense claims and other factors relating to our finance processes.

See documents below: