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UK Council for Psychotherapy

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The UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) is a membership organisation and registered charity holding national registers for psychotherapists, psychotherapists qualified to work with children and young people and psychotherapeutic counsellors.

As part of its commitment to protect the public, it works to improve access to psychotherapy, to support and disseminate research, to improve standards and to respond effectively to complaints against its members.

When we renewed the UKCP’s accreditation, we issued four Conditions with deadlines for implementation. We will update the status of the Conditions in due course.


Conditions - Standard Two

  1. The UKCP should ensure that its registration criteria are set out clearly within the information that the UKCP, and its OMs publish. This should include information about what applicants can expect from the equivalence route process, and what criteria/guiding principles will underpin decisions.
  2. The UKCP should set out a policy specifying the role of the UKCP, and its OMs, in registration appeals. The UKCP should make sure that this information is available to registrants through its own website, and that of its OMs.
  3. The UKCP should incorporate Unique IDs to its register, so that individuals can be accurately identified. The type of qualification that the individual has completed to gain entry to the Register should also be provided.
  4. The UKCP should make it clearer for the public to see which registrants are subject to interim suspension.

Deadline - Next annual assessment