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Our role with Parliament

We were set up by Parliament to provide it with assurance that the regulators we oversee are carrying out their legal functions well and are protecting the public. Parliament decided to give us this role following a public inquiry known as the Bristol Inquiry. One of the recommendations of that inquiry was that a single body should be set up to co-ordinate the regulation of health professionals. Parliament strengthened our role following the Shipman Inquiry to ensure that regulation works in the interests of the public. 

Each year we provide an overview report to tell Parliament how well regulation in general is working. We are able to do this because we have a unique oversight of all the regulators and the many professions they regulate. We also provide Parliament with copies of our individual reports of the performance of each regulator.

In addition, the Secretary of State and Ministers in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales can ask us for advice about regulation and the workforce. We publish these reports and our advice. 
Read our Corporate reports.