Accredited Registers Decision reports
Our assessment cycle for Accredited Registers
We introduced a new assessment cycle replacing the previous full annual assessment. Every Register now has a full assessment against our Standards for Accredited Registers once every three years. We undertake annual monitoring in between the full assessments, to check whether there are any significant changes. Our accreditation decisions provide information about our most recent assessments of each register and how they are meeting our Standards for Accredited Registers. You can read the most recent full report for each Register on this page - just download the report for the Accredited Register you are interested in.
Accredited Registers reports and the differences between them
We issue several types of reports depending whereabouts in the cycle of applying for accreditation or when a register is renewing their accreditation, you can find more details below as well as options to download the reports.
Initial Accreditation decisions/annual monitoring reports and full assessments
When we are satisfied that a Register has met Standard One, we then assess against the remaining Standards. A register must meet all of our Standards to be awarded the Quality Mark and join the programme. Then once a register has been awarded the Quality Mark, we undertake annual monitoring reviews and check that there have been no significant changes. Every three years we do a full assessment and you can read our most recent full assessment for each Accredited Register below. When we carry out a full assessment/initial accreditation, we also publish and Equality Impact Assessment.
Initial Standard One assessments
When a Register first expresses interest in becoming part of the programme and applies for accreditation, we do an initial assessment against Standard One. Registers interested in joining the programme need to meet Standard One before we can assess against how they meet the remaining Standards (Two to Nine). Standard One checks eligibility under our legislation, and if accreditation is in the public interest. Registers interested in joining can apply for a preliminary assessment against Standard One before going on to submit a full application.
Notifications of change
A register must tell us of any significant changes it has made or plans to make that may affect whether it meets our Standards. We consider these changes through our Notification of Change process. Not all changes will require a notification of change and in some cases, it will be sufficient to tell us about them at either at their annual check, or full renewal assessment. Changes requiring a notification of change application are considered by an Accreditation Panel. You can read these reports below.
Decisions not to accredit
We also publish reports for Registers that have applied but where we have decided not to accredit.
Conditions Review reports
We sometimes issue conditions when we accredit a register or renew its accreditation. Conditions must be met to gain (re)accreditation within a set timescale. When these conditions have been met, we update the Register's page and publish a short review. You can find conditions and review reports detailed on the individual Register's page.
Find an Accredited RegisterInitial Accreditation Decisions/Full Assessments
Academy of Healthcare Science
Association of Child Pyschotherapy