Consultation on proposed changes to the annual renewal process for the Accredited Registers programme
28 Dec 2017
This consultation has now closed and we will publish the results later in the year.
The Accredited Registers programme has been in operation for over four years, during which time minor changes to the programme and Standards for Accredited Registers have been made.
The legislative framework for our responsibilities is set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012, which gives us the authority to set standards for voluntary registers of health and care professionals and workers, and accredit any that meet them. Our standards are set out in our Standards for Accredited Registers. Registers must demonstrate that they meet all of our Standards to become accredited.
We aim to carry out our assessments in line with our values. We are committed to being:
- Focused on the public interest
- Independent
- Fair
- Transparent
- Proportionate.
More recently, some Accredited Registers have suggested that changes might be made to the annual review process to make this more proportionate and focused on areas of risk.
We have observed that all new applicants have had to make changes to achieve or maintain our Standards during the first two to three years of accreditation. Thereafter, the majority complete the annual review process successfully and with very few conditions.
We recognise therefore that the programme has reached a level of maturity where changes are possible, and arguably necessary, to ensure it continues to lead the way as a model of risk-based assurance.