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Learning from Covid-19: a case-study review
15 Apr 2021
Our Covid-19 lessons learned review uses case studies to look at how the 10 UK health and social care regulators responded to the initial crisis caused by the pandemic in 2020
What lessons can professional regulation learn from the Coronavirus crisis?
We wanted to catalogue and review how regulators reacted during the first wave of the pandemic and what lessons we can take away. We wanted the result to be a useful document of record that could also help inform preparation for any future crises. We started work in autumn 2020 recognising that regulators were still in the midst of working through the pandemic, a case-study approach seem to make the most sense.
What does the report reveal
All 10 UK regulators responded and provided case studies. The report contains 28 case studies covering temporary registration, fitness to practise, producing new guidance, quality-assuring education, etc. To make it easier to read, we have produced a separate report containing the case studies only.
The case studies relate to what happened during the first wave of the pandemic up to the end of July 2020.
What happens next?
The publication of the report is just the the start of the conversation. Though it does contain a set of recommendations, they relate mainly to areas for future work and discussion with the potential to plan for future crisis but only once we have all had some breathing space.