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The future is now: keeping pace with changes in how care is funded and delivered

An photo to illustrate the future in healthcare and use of robots for surgery
  • How can you regulate online providers?
  • Who is responsible for regulating Artificial Intelligence?
  • How can you regulate for conflicts of interest between patient safety and financial incentives?

Regulators are having to adapt to new disruptive factors in how health and care professionals deliver care. These include financial conflicts of interest, regulating premises as well as people, new business models and technological advances. For example, healthcare is not just delivered in hospitals - it is also delivered in 'high street' settings, such as dental practices, optician shops as well as chiropractic and osteopathic clinics. More patients are turning to private healthcare providers, and advances in technology mean that we have already seen surgery carried out by robots. Technological failure or AI running on faulty data put patients at tangible risk or may exacerbate existing inequalities, but lines of accountability are unclear.

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There is also a Welsh translation available of front part of the report, including The essentials and the executive summary. You can download it here

Please get in touch (via the email address below) with us if you would like a Word version of the full report.

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