Our service
If you want to provide feedback or are unhappy with the service we have provided through the Accredited Registers programme, the Accreditation Team will be happy to discuss. You can contact the team by email at AR@professionalstandards.org.uk, or by telephone on 020 7389 8030.
If you still have a concern, or you would otherwise like your complaint to be considered by someone outside of the Accreditation Team, then you can use our organisational complaints process.
Appealing an accreditation decision
Registers can appeal a decision that affects their accreditation status. More details of how to do this are set out in our Appeals Policy.
Complaints about health and care
Complaints about the Register or one of its registrants should be raised with the Register directly as we cannot intervene in individual concerns. You can find details of how to contact a Register on our Find a Register page.
If you have been unable to resolve a complaint with the Register, then you can use our Share your Experience form to tell us about it. We will use this information in our next assessment of how the Register meets our Standards for accredited registers.
For general guidance on making complaints about health and care please see our Health and Care Information.