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Registers accredited by the Professional Standards Authority

British Psychoanalytic Council

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The British Psychoanalytic Council is a professional association of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy profession, publishing a Register of practitioners who are required to follow its ethical code and meet its fitness to practise standards.

Six Accredited Registers of counsellors and psychotherapists, including the BPC, have notified us of their adoption of the 'SCoPEd framework', for assessment against the Standards for Accredited Registers. Please Share Your Experience of the registers and SCoPEd by emailing us at by 17 May 2024.

The following Conditions were issued at the BPC's most recent annual review of accreditation, to be implemented by the timeframes specified:

  1. Current routes to registration should be set out in clear, published documents within six months. This should make clear how each of the BPC’s Member Institutions (MIs) determine competence (for example through training or qualifications), including key course information such as expected duration of training courses. There should be clear information on how equivalence for applicants applying outside of the normal training routes is determined by the MIs. This will provide clearer information about routes to registration pending more substantive work to clarify education and training criteria.
  2. The BPC should ensure that the process for appealing equivalence registration decisions made by the BPC’s Member Institutions is consistent and robust, within twelve months. The role of the BPC’s Registrar in appeals of MI equivalence decisions should be clarified as part of this.
  3. The BPC is to publish clear information about the education and training outcomes needed for registration with the BPC within 18 months. This should set out the standards of education and training that its MIs are required to deliver for their specialisms to be accredited by the BPC. This should be used to underpin decisions by a MI that a registrant has met the requisite standards for registration with the BPC, whether through its training or demonstrating equivalence.

 In December 2022 we found that the BPC had met Condition One. You can read our report on that Condition here.

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