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Register of Clinical Technologists

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The Register of Clinical Technologists (the RCT) is a register for healthcare scientists concerned with the practical application of physics, engineering and technology to clinical practice. Clinical technologists work in National Health Service (NHS) hospitals, private health care, academic institutions and the medical device industry.

We published our report of our Standard One assessment for RCT (on 22 August 2024). We found that the public interest test was met. In the case of Sonographers, our Accreditation Panel also determined that the risks appear sufficiently high, and potential impacts on patient safety sufficiently great, to recommend that the four UK governments should consider whether accredited registration provides sufficient assurance or whether additional regulatory oversight might be needed.

In May 2024 we published our full renewal assessment of the RCT.

When we renewed the RCT’s accreditation, we issued the following Conditions with deadlines for implementation. We will update the status of the Conditions in due course.


Conditions - Standard Two

1. The RCT should ensure that applicants for registration have a route for appealing decisions that are made based on judgement, in addition to administrative and procedural grounds. The process for how the RCT handles appeals should be published.  Deadline - Six months from publication of the full renewal report

2. The RCT should ensure that its Register enables members of the public and employers to clearly identify current registrants. It should be clear when sanctions such as ‘suspended’ have been applied for a public protection reason. There should be a clear, and consistently applied, policy setting out how long information will be displayed on the Register. Deadline - Six months from publication of the full renewal report

3. The RCT should set out the circumstances in which someone who has been removed from the register, could re-apply and what criteria it would use in making this decision. Deadline - Next assessment

Conditions - Standard Three

4. The RCT’s requirements for registrants’ professional conduct should be clearly set out in documents that make clear the RCT will hold registrants to account for these areas. They should cover the areas set out in our minimum requirements, addressing gaps such as on data protection and confidentiality. Registrants should also be required to make people aware of how to raise a complaint. Deadline - Six months from publication of the full renewal report

Conditions - Standard Four

1. The RCT should document and publish how it decides which courses, and training providers it recognises for the purposes of its primary registration route. This should include how it checks the continuing quality of education and training provision once recognised. Deadline - Next assessment

Conditions - Standard Five

5. The RCT should review and update information relevant to complainants and registrants. This should include clear information about how the consensual disposal of cases is handled, including what types of sanction are available through this route and whether these would be published. It should also be clear what support is available for witnesses involved in complaints hearings. Deadline - Six months from publication of the full renewal report

Conditions - Standard Six

6. The RCT should develop a business continuity plan. Deadline - Next assessment

Conditions - Standard Eight

8. The RCT should develop a proactive approach to working with employers, service users and other stakeholders. This should include sharing information about risks arising from the practices of clinical technologists and sonographers, and concerns about registrants, with the systems regulators and employers. Deadline - Next assessment

9. The RCT should review the content of its website to make sure that key information is up to date and accurate. Information about sonography should be integrated into the main webpages. This should include clearer information for the public about sonography, to support informed choice. Information about the benefits, and limitations of the roles registered should be included. Deadline - Next assessment