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Accreditation decisions

Accreditation decisions are listed below:

In July 2021, we introduced a new assessment cycle replacing the previous full annual assessment. Every Register now has a full assessment against our Standards for Accredited Registers once every three years. We undertake annual monitoring in between the full assessments, to check whether there are any significant changes. You can read the most recent full report for each Register at the link below. Please note that whilst reports issued before July 2021 will indicate the accreditation was renewed for a year, accreditation is now ongoing if marked ‘Valid’ below. Reports issued before July 2021 will have been assessed under our previous Standards.
Accredited Register report
Impact Assessment  Status:
Academy for Healthcare Science   Valid

Genetic Counsellor Registration Board


Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists

Alliance of Private Sector Practitioners
Withdrew from accreditation as of 31 March 2024
Impact Assessment APSP
Association of Child Psychotherapists   Valid
Association of Christians in Counselling and Linked Professions. We have now published our report of how the ACC met Conditions issued following our targeted review.   Valid
Athena Herd Foundation Impact Assessment Athena Herd  
British Acupuncture Council   Valid
British Association of Play Therapists Impact Assessment BAPT  Valid
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Following a targeted review of the BACP, we issued new Conditions of Accreditation in March 2024.
British Association of Sports Rehabilitators and Trainers Impact Assessment BASRaT Valid
British Occupational Hygiene Society Impact Assessment BOHS  Valid 
British Psychological Society Impact Assessment BPS  
CBT Register (BABCP/AREBT) Impact Assessment CBT Register 2023  
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council Impact Assessment CNHC  Valid
COSCA (Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland)   Valid

Federation of Holistic Therapists

From 9 January 2022, the FHT withdrew from accreditation (please see the register’s directory page for further details)

Withdrew from accreditation as of 9 January 2022

Human Givens Institute
Impact Assessment HGI Valid
Institute of Trichologists Impact Assessment IoT Valid
International Federation of Aromatherapists Impact Assessment IFA  Valid
Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners Impact Assessment JCCP
National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society / National Hypnotherapy Society   Valid

Play Therapy UK
We have now published our report on how PTUK  met Conditions issued in April 2023.

Register of Clinical Technologists Impact Assessment RCT Valid
Rehabilitation Workers Professional Network 
Impact Assessment RWPN  Valid
Save Face Impact Assessment Save Face Valid
Society of Homeopaths

From 23 July 2021, the SoH has withdrawn from the programme.

UK Association for Humanistic Psychology Practitioners
Impact Assessment UKAHPP Valid
UK Board of Health Chaplaincy
Impact Assessment UK BHC Valid
UK Public Health Register Impact Assessment UKPHR Valid
UK Society for Behaviour Analysis
We have now published our report of how the UK-SBA met Conditions issued following their initial assessment.
Impact Assessment UK SBA   Valid
UK Council for Psychotherapy
Impact Assessment UKCP Valid

Please contact the Accreditation team to request previous decisions.

 Preliminary Standard One decisions
Organisations may apply for preliminary assessment against Standard One before submitting a full application. More about how we assess against Standard One can be found in our Supplementary Guidance for Standard One. The organisations below have not yet been fully accredited and are not able to use our quality mark. 

  (February 2022)
The Health Practice Associates Council - Standard one provisionally met    
 Notifications of changes to an Accredited Register
The National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) - Relationship Therapist (RT) register, Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist (PT) sub-register
  (July 2023)
The National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) - Children and Young People Therapists (CYPTs) / Person-Centred Experiential Therapists (PCETs)   (March 2022)
The Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) - Clinical Exercise Physiologists (CEPs)   (August 2021)

 Decisions not to accredit  
National Council of Integrative Psychotherapy