Find out about our research
We believe that regulation should be used only when it is the most effective means of protecting the public. We asked, ‘what evidence is there that regulation works?’ We could not find the answer - little research had been done and so we began working with researchers and regulators to develop evidence-based regulation.
Our current interests in regulatory research include:
- Researching the influence regulators have on the behaviour of people on their register
- Understanding the inter-connection between workplaces and people’s behaviour
- Promoting understanding of different approaches to regulation internationally
- Developing a library of knowledge about regulation.
The key themes and current topics we are focusing on include:
Would you be willing to see a health practitioner who has crossed a boundary with a colleague?
Watch this short animation to find out more about what the participants in our focus groups thought about this when questioned about three scenarios (based on real-life fitness to practise cases).