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Our bookshelf

We read widely to inform our work and are bringing together a collection of relevant papers.

You are welcome to browse academic research, articles and other literature relevant to health and social care professional regulation. This includes a wide range of academic disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, law, economics, and organisational behaviour.

Please let us know of any other works you think we should be aware of by emailing Douglas Bilton, Assistant Director (Standards and Policy).

Academic and research articles

See our collection below:

Albury, D, Begley, A, Corrigan, P, Harvey, S, McMahon, L. "After the light bulb": accelerating diffusion of innovation in the NHS. 2011.

Besancon, Rockey and van Zanten. Regulation of Health Professions: Disparate Worldwide Approaches are a Challenge to Harmonisation. World Medical Journal vol.58, Nr 4 September 2012.

Bilton D and Cayton H. Finding the right touch: extending the right-touch regulation approach to the accreditation of voluntary registers. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Volume 41, Number 1, 1 February 2013, pp14-23.

Bismark, MM, Spittal, MJ, Gurrin, LC, Ward, M, Studdert, DM. Identification of doctors at risk of recurrent complaints: a national study of healthcare complaints in Australia.  Quality and Safety in Healthcare Published Online First: 10 April 2013.

Carthey, J, Walker, S, Deelchand, Vincent, C, Griffiths, WH. Breaking the rules: understanding non-compliance with policies and guidelines. BMJ 2011; 343:d5283.

Cole, AP, Block, L, Wu AW. On higher ground: ethical reasoning and its relationship with error disclosure. BMJ Quality and Safety 2013; 22; 580-585.

Correia, T. An open-system approach to medical professionalism: a controversy within the sociology of professions. Interface - Communicacao, Saude, Educacao, vol.15, julio-septiembre, 2011, pp779-791, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho Brasil.

Detsky, AS & Berwick, DM. Teaching Physicians to Care Amid Chaos. Journal of the American Medical Association, March 2013 - Vol 309, No. 10.

Elkin, KJ, Spittal, MJ, Elkin, DJ, Studdert, DM. Doctors disciplined for professional misconduct in Australia and New Zealand, 2000-2009.  MJA, Volume 194 Number 9, 2 May 2011.

Elkin, K, Spittal, MJ, Elkin, D, Studdert, DM. Removal of doctors from practice for professional misconduct in Australia and New Zealand. BMJ Quality and Safety 2012;21:1027-1033. (10.1136/bmjqs-2012-000941)

Etienne, J. The Impact of Regulatory Policy on Individual Behaviour: A Goal Framing Theory Approach. Centre for analysis of Risk and Regulation, Discussion paper no. 59, January 2010.

Fischer, M. Organizational Turbulence, Trouble and Trauma: Theorizing the Collapse of a Mental Health Setting. Organisation Studies 33(9) 1153-1173, 2012.

Fischer, M, & Ferlie E. Resisting Hybridisation between Modes of Clinical Risk Management: Contradiction, Contest and the Production of Intractable Conflict. Accounting, Organisations and Society, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2013, pp30-49.

Gallagher, A. Whistleblowing: what influences nurses on whether to report poor practice? Nursing Times 106(4), 2010, pp.22-25.

Huising, R & Silbey, SS. Governing the gap: Forging safe science through relational regulation. Regulation & Governance (2011) 5, 14-42.

Johnson, R & Botting, RM. Using Reason's Model of Organisational Accidents in Formalising Accident Reports. Cognition, Technology & Work (1999) 1:107-118.

Kuhlmann, E, Burau, V, Correia, T, Lewandowski, R, Lionis, C, Noordegraaf, M, Repullo, J.  "A manager in the minds of doctors": a comparison of new modes of control in European hospitals.  BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:246.

McGivern, G, Fischer, M, Ferlie, E, Exworthy,M. Statutory Regulation and the Future of Professional Practice in Psychotherapy and Counselling: Evidence from the Field. October 2009.

McGivern, G. & Fischer, M. Medical Regulation, spectacular transparency & the blame business.
Journal of Health Organisation and Management 26 (2010): 597-610.

McGivern, G. & Fischer, M. Reactivity and reactions to Regulatory Transparency in Medicine, Psychotherapy and Counselling. Social Science & Medicine, 74 (3) 286-96, 2012.

O'Connor, EO, Coates, HM, Yardley, I, Wu, AW. Disclosure of patient safety incidents: a comprehensive review. International Journal of Quality in Healthcare 2010 Vol. 22 No. 5, pp371-379.

Paeth, Scott R. The Responsibility to Lie and the Obligation to Report.  Bonhoeffer's "What Does It Mean to Tell the Truth?" and the Ethics of Whistleblowing.  Journal of Business Ethics (2013) 112:559-566.

Papadakis, MA, Hodgson, CS, Teherani, A, Kohatsu, ND. Unprofessional behaviour in medical school is associated with subsequent disciplinary action by a state medical board. Academic Medicine, 79 (2004), 244-249.

Papadakis, MA, Arnold, GK, Blank, LL, et al. Performance during internal medicine residency training and subsequent disciplinary actgion by state licensing boards. Annals of Internal Medicine, 148 (2008), 869-876.

Paterson, R. Can we mandate compassion? Hastings Centre Report 41, no.2 (2011): 20-23

Quick, O. Patient safety and the problem and potential of the law. Journal of Professional Negligence, Vol. 28. No 2, June 2012 pp78-99.

Reid, J & Bromiley, M. Clinical human factors: the need tospeak up to improve patient safety. Nursing Standard 26, 35, 35-40.  2012.

Roff, R & Dherwani, K.  Development of inventory for polyprofessionalism lapses at the proto-professional stage of health professions education together with recommended responses. Medical Teacher, 2011; 33; 239-243.

Shojania, Kaveh G & Dixon-Woods, M. 'Bad apples': time to redefine as a type of systems problem? BMJ Quality and Safety Online First 6 June 2013 (10.1136/bmjqs-2013-002138).

Spendlove, Z.  Regulatory Reform: Revalidation as professional crisis or critique and change opportunity for midwifery?British Journal of Midwifery, Vol.21, Iss.6, 06 Jun 2013, pp.417-421.

Spira, LF & Page, M. Regulation by disclosure: the case of internal control. July 2009.

Teherani, A, Hodgson, CS, Banach, M, Papadakis, MA. Domains of Unprofessional Behavior During Medical School Associated with Future Disciplinary Action by a State Medical Board. Academic Medicine, Vol. 80, No. 10.  October 2005 Supplement.

Van Tol, J. Summary analysis of the risk-regulation reflex: entrenched beliefs and six possible avenues for solutions. 2011.

Waring, J, Dixon-Woods, M, Yeung, K. Modernising medical regulation: where are we now?  Journal of Health Organisation and Management, Vol. 24, Iss: 6 pp. 540-555. 2010.

Warren, M. Mirror, mirror on the wall… which one of the healthcare team am I? Understanding healthcare practitioners’ professional identities and what role professional regulation plays, Sociology Lens, Wiley, 2018.


See our collection below:

Baldwin R, Cave M & Lodge M. Understanding Regulation: Theory, Strategy and Practice (Second Edition). Oxford University Press, October 2011.

Friedman, Andrew L 2012. Continuing Professional Development - Lifelong learning of millions. Routledge, December 2012.

Johnstone, S, Sarre, R. Regulation: Enforcement and Compliance. Research and Public Policy Series paper 57, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2004.

Kulhmann, Ellen & Saks, Mike (Eds). Rethinking professional governance.  International directions in healthcare. The Policy Press 2008.

Paterson, Ron. The Good Doctor - What Patients Want. Auckland University Press, 2012.

Short, Stephanie D & McDonald, Fiona (Eds). Health Workforce Governance. Improved Access, Good Regulatory Practice, Safer Patients. Ashgate May 2012.

Sparrow, Malcolm K. The Regulatory Craft: Controlling Risks, Solving Problems and Managing Compliance. Brookings Press, Washington DC, 2000.

Sparrow, Malcolm K. The Character of Harms: Operational Challenges in Control. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Stewart, James B. Blind Eye, The Terrifying Story of a Doctor Who Got Away with Murder. Simon & Schuster, June 2000.

Reports, literature reviews and theses

See our collection below:

2020health. Too Posh to Wash? Reflections on the Future of Nursing. January 2013.

Allsop J & Jones K. Quality assurance in medical regulation in an international context. 2005.

Black, J. Calling Regulators to Account: Challenges, Capacities and Prospects. LSE Law, Society, and Economy Working Papers 15/2012.

College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia. Underlying Philosophies and Trends Affecting Professional Regulation. February 2012.

Committee on Standards in Public Life. Standards matter. A review of best practice in promoting good behaviour in public life.  January 2013.

Dutch Ministry of Justice. The Table of Eleven. November 2004.

Health Professions Council 2011. Professionalism in healthcare professionals.

Iedema, R, Sorensen, R, Piper, D. Open disclosure: a review of the literature. Centre for Health Communication, University of Technology Sydney 15 February 2008.

IPSOS MORI Social Research Institute: Understanding Society. How do we change behaviour? Make it simple. April 2013.

Jones, A, Kelly, D, Brown, T. Whistle-blowing in health and social care.  A narrative review of the literature.  Report commissioned by the Older People's Commissioner for Wales. Cardiff University 2013.

McGivern, G et al. The Visible and Invisible Performance Effects of Transparency in Medical Professional Regulation: Full Research Report. 2009.

Meleyal L. Reframing Conduct: A critical analysis of the statutory requirement for registration of the Social Work Workforce. 2011.

Moorhead, R, Hinchly, V, Parker, C, Kershaw, D, Holm, S. Designing Ethics Indicators for Legal Services Provision. Legal Services Board September 2012.

Older People's Commissioner for Wales. Raising concerns in the workplace. December 2012.

Phipps, Noyce, Walshe, Parker and Ashcroft. Risk Assessment in Pharmacy Practice, (Final Report Version 2). University of Manchester, December 2010.

Quick, O. A scoping study on the effects of health professional regulation on those regulated.  Final report submitted to the Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence. May 2011.

Royal College of Physicians. Doctors in society; medical professionalism in a changing world.  December 2005.

Scraggs E et al (RAND Europe). Factors that encourage or discourage doctors from acting in accordance with good practice. Final report. Prepared for the General Medical Council. November 2012.

Solicitors Regulation Authority. Attitudes to regulation and compliance in legal services. 2011.

UK Commission for Employment and Skills. A review of occupational regulation and its impact. London, October 2011.

Walshe, K and Boyd A. Designing regulation: a review. Centre for Public Policy and Management, Manchester Business School. April 2007.

Walshe, K & Phipps, D. Developing a strategic framework to guide the Care Quality Commission's programme of evaluation. January 2013.