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Response to Government consultation on Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public
11 Jun 2021
We have published our response to the Government’s consultation on regulatory reform, Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public.
Though, we support many of the proposals in the consultation document, we do not support everything. Key changes that we think are needed to make the reforms a success include:
- Applying the public protection safety net we have now to all final fitness to practise decisions, and not just those that are made by panels
- Keeping the powers regulators have now to handle health concerns about a professional if there is a risk to the public
- Keeping some independent checks and balances to make sure that the way regulation works is safe and consistent across professions where it needs to be.
We have set out our concerns and how we believe they can be addressed in our short report Three things to get right for public protection - government consultation on reforming regulation.
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