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Register of Clinical Technologists meets Accredited Registers ‘public interest test’

We have published our report for the Register of Clinical Technologists’ (RCT) assessment against Standard One of our Standards for Accredited Registers.  Also known as ‘the public interest test’, Standard One assesses whether the benefits of the activities of the roles registered by the RCT are likely to outweigh the risks.

While we found that Standard One is met, in the case of sonographers, our Accreditation Panel also determined that the risks presented appear sufficiently high, and potential impacts on patient safety sufficiently great, to recommend that the four UK governments should consider whether accredited registration provides sufficient assurance or whether additional regulatory oversight might be needed. We have written to the relevant government departments to notify them of this recommendation.

The RCT is a register for healthcare scientists concerned with the practical application of physics, engineering and technology to clinical practice. Clinical technologists work in the NHS, the independent healthcare sector, academic institutions and the medical device industry. It was first accredited by the PSA in September 2015.

Graham Mockler, Director of Regulation and Accreditation at the PSA, said: ‘We are pleased that the RCT has met Standard One. However, given the Panel’s findings, it’s important that full consideration is given to whether accreditation of sonographers sufficiently mitigates the risks or whether additional regulatory controls are required.’



Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care



Notes to the Editor


  1. The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care oversees 10 statutory bodies that regulate health and social care professionals in the UK.
  2. We assess their performance and report to Parliament. We also conduct audits and investigations and can appeal fitness to practise cases to the courts if we consider that sanctions are insufficient to protect the public and it is in the public interest.
  3. We also set standards for organisations holding registers for health and social care occupations and accredit those that meet them and continue to meet them.
  4. We share good practice and knowledge, conduct research and introduce new ideas to our sector. We monitor policy developments in the UK and internationally and provide advice on issues relating to professional standards in health and social care.
  5. We do this to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of users of health and social care services and the public. We are an independent body, accountable to the UK Parliament.
  6. Our values are – integrity, transparency, respect, fairness and teamwork – and we strive to ensure that they are at the core of our work.
  7. More information about our work and the approach we take is available at