Share your experience to help protect the public
Listening to your experiences of a regulator or an accredited register helps us to understand how well they are protecting the public. It helps us decide whether the regulators meet our Standards of Good Regulation or if accredited registers meet our Standards for Accredited Registers.
Share your experience about:
When we review their performance each year, we take account of many sorts of information. This includes things these organisations tell us, things we observe or read and things you and others tell us. It helps us to build an overall picture of their performance.
We publish a report about each organisation’s performance every year and we will send you a copy if you would like us to. We may not mention your information in the report, but you can be sure we take it into account.
Please note that this is NOT a complaints process. We do not investigate individuals' complaints about regulators or registers and cannot resolve them for you, but you can help others by sharing your experience.