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Privy Council confirms reappointment of PSA Chair

The Privy Council has confirmed that Caroline Corby will continue in her role as the Chair of the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. Her second term will run from 1 February 2025 to 31 January 2028.

Caroline was first appointed by the Privy Council and took up her role as the PSA’s Chair in February 2021. Prior to that Caroline had undertaken a number of public appointments and chaired fitness to practise hearings for several of the statutory health regulators.

Today, as well as her role at the PSA, Caroline is Chair of the Parole Board for England and Wales, Chair of Peabody Trust, one of the UK's oldest and largest housing associations, and she is a non-executive director of the Security Industry Authority.

Caroline said:

"I am delighted to have been re-appointed as Chair of the PSA. It has been a pleasure working with both colleagues and our key stakeholders and I look forward to continuing this work in the coming years."

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