Jul 02, 2019
Health Education England commissioned us to advise on the appropriate level of assurance for the role of sonographer using the criteria we developed in our right-touch assurance methodology - this report is the result
Jun 18, 2019
We wanted to find out what the available literature on decision-making tells us about the consequences of fitness to practise decisions generally being taken in a more private context - the is part of our ongoing work on the reform of regulation, particularly fitness to practise
Jun 11, 2019
Today we are publishing two reports resulting from the Williams Review into gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare which recommended that we looked at inconsistencies in fitness to practise outcomes as well how regulators take account of public confidence in the fitness to practise process
May 17, 2019
Can patients be effective in maintaining their own safety? We wanted to explore further the role of patients and service users in ensuring the safety of the care they receive, so we commissioned research to find out more
May 13, 2019
The SRNA commissioned the Authority to review its complaints, investigations and discipline work to understand where it may need to improve its processes – this report is the result of that work
Apr 12, 2019
Our latest international report reviews the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia and was carried out at the request of British Columbia’s Minister of Health
Apr 12, 2019
The PSNI continues to meet all of our Standards of Good Regulation for the third year in a row and has maintained the improvement in its performance
Jan 08, 2019
How much progress has been made by the health and care regulators since 2014 to embed the professional duty of candour? Our latest report evaluates progress as well as setting out the barriers to progress and what else the regulators could do to
Sep 28, 2018
Our latest performance review of the General Optical Council demonstrates an improvement in its performance against the registration standards, but highlights concerns in its performance relating to fitness to practise
Sep 20, 2018
New Authority publication bringing together authors from international organisations explaining how they have applied the principles of right-touch regulation to their organisations