Checking and appealing fitness to practise decisions Our regulatory oversight role includes checking final fitness to practise decisions from regulators...
Performance Review - Health and Care Professions Council 2016/17 This year's performance review for the HCPC concluded that they met all of our Standards of Good...
Board meeting papers and agendas Our Board meets every other month and agendas and approved papers are usually published one week...
Our committees The work of our Board is supported by our Audit and Risk Committee, Scrutiny Committee, Finance...
How we escalate performance review concerns In 2020 we introduced an escalation policy that would allow us to escalate serious or intractable...
How do we carry out our reviews? Read our short guide which provides an overview of our review process. Basically, over a 12 month...
Our performance reviews The performance review is our check on how well the regulators have been protecting the public and...