Performance review The performance review by the PSA (Professional Standards Authority) assesses how well health and...
Our data Our Case Management System of around 48,000 decisions checked since 2003 provides a wealth and rich...
Outcome of our Appeals When we refer a case to Court we set out the grounds for our appeal and wait for the case to be...
Protecting the public Consideration of whether a decision is sufficient for the protection of the public involves...
Matters Beyond Our Jurisdiction We do not have any powers to look at decisions made by a staff member of a regulator in the initial...
What are fitness to practise panel decisions? Each of the 10 statutory regulator s we oversee has a ‘fitness to practise’ process for handling...
Our Process The regulators send us all of the decisions made by their final fitness to practise committee panels...
Accreditation decisions In July 2021, we introduced a new assessment cycle replacing the previous full annual assessment...
Share your experience Listening to your experiences of a regulator or an accredited register helps us to understand how...
Accredited Registers Resources The resources provided by the Professional Standards Authority offer valuable insights into the...