Aug 13, 2019
The Chair of the Authority's Board, George Jenkins OBE, has announced he will be stepping down from his role awhen his term ends in December 2019
Aug 09, 2019
In our latest review of the HCPC's performance, we report that the six fitness to practise Standards not met in our previous two reports, still remain unmet but also recognise the significant amount of work HCPC has undertaken to address the concerns we outlined in those reviews
Jul 09, 2019
We welcome the publication of the government's response to its consultation on reforming regulation - this is a positive step forward, but we want to see greater accountability to match increased flexibility for regulators
Jul 05, 2019
we have published our latest performance review of the General Osteopathic Council - the GOsC continues to meet all of our Standards of Good Regulation
Jul 05, 2019
We have published our annual report for 2018/19 detailing our own performance and that of the health and care professional regulators and accredited registers we oversee
Jul 03, 2019
An independent review of the regulatory performance of the Professional Engineers Ontario led by the Authority's former chief executive, Harry Cayton
Jul 02, 2019
Health Education England commissioned us to advise on the appropriate level of assurance for the role of sonographer using the criteria we developed in our right-touch assurance methodology - this report is the result
Jun 21, 2019
We publish our latest performance review for the General Medical Council - the GMC continues to meet of our Standards of Good Regulation
Jun 18, 2019
We wanted to find out what the available literature on decision-making tells us about the consequences of fitness to practise decisions generally being taken in a more private context - the is part of our ongoing work on the reform of regulation, particularly fitness to practise
Jun 11, 2019
Today we are publishing two reports resulting from the Williams Review into gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare which recommended that we looked at inconsistencies in fitness to practise outcomes as well how regulators take account of public confidence in the fitness to practise process