In summary, in 2013/14 we considered that:
Four of the regulators met all of the Standards of Good Regulation – the GMC, the GOC, the GOsC, and the HCPC. However, we note that we raised concerns about the GOC’s and the HCPC’s performance against one or more of the Standards and will look for improvement in these areas in the performance review 2014/15.
Two of the regulators (the GPhC and the PSNI) met all but one of the Standards of Good Regulation.
Three of the regulators did not meet several of the Standards. In particular, we note that: the GCC did not meet four of the Standards and performed inconsistently against one; the GDC did not meet eight of the Standards; 3 and the NMC did not meet seven of the Standards and performed inconsistently against two others.