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Performance Reviews

Here you will find reports of our reviews of the performance of the regulators we oversee.

We recently updated our performance review process and the format of our reports. Any reports dated 2021/22 onwards are under the new process. Our new process means that we will publish shorter monitoring reports alongside more detailed reports for each regulator every three years.

Performance Review - GOC 2015/16

In our latest review of the General Optical Council’s performance, we are pleased to see an improvement – with the GOC meeting 22 out of 24 of our Standards of Good Regulation

Performance Review - PSNI 2015/16

In our 2015/16 performance review, we are pleased to report that the PSNI has met all 24 of our Standards of Good Regulation

Performance Review - GMC 2015/16

In our 2015/16 performance review, we are pleased to report that the GMC continues to meet all 24 of our Standards of Good Regulation

Performance Review - GCC 2015/16

In our 2015/16 performance review, we are pleased to see a notable improvement in the GCC's performance for this year - meeting 23 out of 24 of our Standards of Good Regulation

Performance Review - NMC 2015/16

In our 2015/16 performance review, we are pleased to note a significant improvement in the NMC's performance, meeting 23 out of 24 of our Standards of Good Regulation

Performance Review - GDC 2015/16

In our 2015/16 performance review, we are pleased to note that the GDC's performance for this year has improved considerably and, though it has not met all of the Standards, it has made good progress - meeting 21 out of 24

Performance Review - HCPC 2015/16

In our annual review of their performance for 2015/16 we recognise that the HCPC is an efficient regulator - meeting most of our Standards of Good Regulation.

Performance Review - GPhC 2015/16

In our annual review of their performance for 2015/16 we concluded that the GPhC are performing well and have met all the Standards of Good Regulation.

Performance review - GOsC 2015/16

In our annual review of their performance for 2015/16, the GOsC have met all the Standards of Good Regulation.

Performance Review 2012-2013

Performance Reviews are our annual check on how well the regulators are carrying out their role in protecting the public.

Reviewing the regulators in practice

Find out more about how our work reviewing the regulators' performance contributes to protecting the public in this short case study

How we carry out our reviews

Read our short guide detailing our performance review process, as well as the factors we will consider and the evidence we will look at as part of our review process. In May 2023, we updated our expectations for regulators in relation to our equality, diversity and inclusion Standard (Standard 3 of the Standards of Good Regulation). This involved developing a new evidence framework and accompanying guidance for regulators. This will apply from 2023/24 to 2025/26.


Standards of Good Regulation

The Standards of Good Regulation are an integral part of how we carry out our performance reviews - read through them here.