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  • Adapting to change in three steps: reflections from the research and academic conference

    Mark Platt - GDC

    Mark Platt – Policy Manager at the GDC – reflects on our recent Academic and Research conference from three perspectives: attending, presenting and chairing a break-out session. This year's conference asked: 'Regulation in the future - will it matter?'

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  • Professional regulation and registration will need to be flexible to respond to the Covid-19 emergency

    regulation icon

    Covid-19 is putting unprecedented pressures on those working in health and care and those who regulate and register them – our Chief Executive discusses how to balance the need for flexibility with accountability to ensure patient and public safety

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  • A virtual goodbye to our Chair

    JENKINS, George

    Current circumstances have meant that we could not say goodbye in person to our Chair, George Jenkins, who is stepping down today – so we have had to say 'goodbye' and wish him 'good luck' online through our blog.

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  • Reshaping Standards, Enabling Change

    Colum Conway Social Work England

    On World Social Work Day, Colum Conway of Social Work England, explains why professional regulation needs to be in a better position to provide a more responsive and proportionate approach, work collaboratively and re-focus on ‘up stream’ working

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  • Public confidence in fitness to practise

    Daisy Blench

    ​Public confidence and public trust in the healthcare regulators are interlinked: without one, you probably wouldn’t have the other but how do the regulators interpret and apply ‘public confidence’ especially in relation to their fitness to practise processes?

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Please note the views expressed in these blogs are those of the individual bloggers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Professional Standards Authority.