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We publish our own consultations, for example when we develop standards. We also respond to consultations that other people have published. You will find them here.

Response to the GOsC Consultations on Draft Guidance about Professional Behaviours and Fitness to Practise

Response to the General Osteopathic Council Consultations on Draft Guidance about Professional Behaviours and Fitness to Practise for Osteopathic Students and Draft Guidance for Osteopathic Educational Institutions

Response to the Health and Care Professions Council consultation on revised guidance on returning to practice

Response to the Health and Care Professions Council consultation on revised guidance on returning to practice, published October 2016

Response to the General Optical Council consultation: Draft Fitness to Practise Panels Hearings Guidance and Indicative Sanctions

Response to the General Optical Council consultation: Draft Fitness to Practise Panels Hearings Guidance and Indicative Sanctions

Response to Modernising fitness to practise: changes to the Fitness to Practise Rules 2004

The Authority's Response to Modernising fitness to practise: changes to the Fitness to Practise Rules 2004

Response to the General Pharmaceutical Council's consultation on religion, personal values and beliefs

The Authority's response to the General Pharmaceutical Council's consultation on religion, personal values and beliefs.

Response to the General Pharmaceutical Council's consultation on revised threshold criteria

The Authority's response to the General Pharmaceutical Council's consultation on revised threshold criteria, 2017

Response to the consultation: Providing a ‘safe space’ in healthcare safety investigations

The Authority's response to the Department of Health's consultation on 'providing a ‘safe space’ in healthcare safety investigations'.

Developing the UK medical register: a public consultation

The Authority's response to GMC consultation on changes to the medical register published in October 2016

Call for evidence for the Committee on the long-term sustainability of the NHS

Response to the call for evidence by the House of Lords Committee on the long-term sustainability of the NHS.

Response to the General Optical Council consultation on draft supplementary guidance on the duty of candour

Response to the General Optical Council consultation on draft supplementary guidance on the duty of candour.