We publish our own consultations, for example when we develop standards. We also respond to consultations that other people have published. You will find them here.
The Authority's response to guidance for all doctors who offer cosmetic interventions
Our response to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and General Medical Council consultation on developing a framework for generic professional capabilities, published in September 2015
Our response to the Committee on Standards in Public Life consultation - Ethics for Regulators Review in September 2015.
Our 2015 response to the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) consultation about their draft Standards of conduct, performance and ethics.
Between April and June the Authority carried out a consultation on proposed changes to Standard 9 (education and training) for the Accredited Registers. This document discusses the results of this consultation.
The Professional Standards Authority gave a response to the General Optical Council's consultation on its standards of practice.
The Authority's response in June 2015 to the General Osteopathic Council consultation: Continuing Professional Development, proposals for assuring the continuing fitness to practise of osteopaths.
Professional Standards Authority responds to the consultation on the proposed creation of a public service ombudsman, merging the functions of the existing Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, the Local Government Ombudsman and the Housing Ombudsman.
The Authority's response in May 2015 to the Department of Health consultation on Rebalancing Medicines Legislation and Pharmacy Regulation: draft Orders under section 60 of the Health Act 1999.
The Authority's response to the General Medical Council’s consultation: Reforming our fitness to practise investigation and adjudication processes.