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  • Why we're asking for feedback on our three-year strategic plan

    Picture of word cloud including synonyms of the word 'strategic'

    Today we launch our consultation on our three-year strategic plan. We want to hear what our stakeholders think about our proposed plan and to get their views. This is a new approach for us, and in this blog, we look at some of the external factors which have prompted us to change the way we develop a strategy for our organisation.

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  • Benefits vs risks: how the Accredited Registers programme helps to protect the public

    Accredited Registers widget

    In this joint blog with BASRaT - we reflect on how we have now started to make accreditation decisions using our new 'public interest' test. This allows us to look at the benefits of therapies offered by registrants and decide if they outweigh the risks. It also contributes to our decision about whether to award or renew accreditation.

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  • Antony Townsend bids a fond farewell to the Professional Standards Authority

    Board Members

    In this blog, our board member, Antony Townsend, summarises his time and contribution as a member of the Authority's Board and how the Authority has played its role within regulation in the Health and Care sector over the years.

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  • What we’re doing to tackle inequality

    Mark Stobbs for blog

    In this blog, we look at how important it is to understand inequalities in health and social care - without understanding the why, when and how, it will be harder to tackle inequalities and address discrimination effectively.

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  • Section 29: how we protect the public - Part 2

    The value of section 29

    In Part 2 of our blog about the Authority's power to appeal (section 29) regulators' fitness to practise decisions - we look at its limits but also its wider impact

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Please note the views expressed in these blogs are those of the individual bloggers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Professional Standards Authority.