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  • World Suicide Prevention Day - 10 September 2022

    Faye Blackwell for blog

    To mark World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September, Faye Blackwell from the NCS shares her thoughts on suicide prevention and what can be done to improve outcomes

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  • Section 29: how we protect the public - Part 1

    The value of section 29

    In the past 20 years the Authority has acted as a vital safety net in scrutinising and, appealing fitness to practise decisions which do not protect the public. We look at almost every final decision made by the 10 health and social care regulators and ask ourselves one central question – is the outcome sufficient to protect the public?

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  • Sexual harassment and assault in health and care: getting the regulatory response right

    shutterstock_83458603 (doctor-surgeon looking in mirror) smaller size

    How should regulators respond to sexual assault and harassment in health and care? In this blog we explore how widespread the problem is, look at past and current research as well as discussing what we can do as a sector to tackle it

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  • What is Fitness to Practise?

    Fitness to practise image for research page

    We're often asked the question: What is fitness to practise? Mark Stobbs, our Director of Scrutiny & Quality, gives us a breakdown of what it means and explains how crucial it is to public protection

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  • A 'new look' for our regulator reviews - we publish our first reports

    GOsC performance review 2022-23 standards met at a glance

    Over the past two years we have been working on improving our performance reviews, using the feedback we received to shape our new process and improve our reports. We've just published the first two reports.

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Please note the views expressed in these blogs are those of the individual bloggers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Professional Standards Authority.