We publish our own consultations, for example when we develop standards. We also respond to consultations that other people have published. You will find them here.
We publish our response to the General Optical Council's consultation on proposed changes to Standards of Practice for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians, Standards for Optical Students and Standards for Optical Businesses
We publish our response to the Welsh Government's consultation on draft regulations and guidance for introducing a mandatory licensing scheme for special procedures in Wales
We publish our response to the General Dental Council's consultation on the format of fitness to practise hearings
We publish our response to the Home Office's consultation on mandatory reporting of incidences of child sexual abuse
Read our response to the DHSC's consultation on licensing non-surgical cosmetics in England
PSA response to DHSC consultation on the disclosure of industry payments
PSA response to the consultation on Occupational Health
We publish our response to the GDC's consultation on updating its Scope of Practice guidance
We publish our response to the GDC's consultation on its guidance on professional indemnity and insurance cover
We publish our response to the Government's consultation on its white paper on regulation of artificial intelligence