We publish our own consultations, for example when we develop standards. We also respond to consultations that other people have published. You will find them here.
We publish our response to the Department of Health and Social Care's consultation on changes to the GDC's and NMC's international registration legislation
We publish our response to the Government consultation on healthcare regulation: deciding when statutory regulation is appropriate
We publish our response to Social Work England's consultation on amendments to rules, electronic service and remote hearings
We publish our response to the General Pharmaceutical Council's consultation on remote hearings
We publish our response to the Scottish Government's consultation on A National Care Service for Scotland
Our response to the Government Equalities Office consultation on banning conversion therapy
Our response to the Health and Care Professions Council consultation on remote hearings
We publish our response to the Senedd Health and Social Care Committee consultation on the health and social care workforce
We publish our response to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy consultation ‘Reforming the Framework for Better Regulation’
We publish our response to the General Optical Council's consultation on its guidance on hearings and indicative sanctions