We publish our own consultations, for example when we develop standards. We also respond to consultations that other people have published. You will find them here.
We publish our response to the General Optical Council's consultation on its guidance on hearings and indicative sanctions
Our response to two recent consultations from the General Optical Council on remote hearings protocol and its policy on sending statutory notices by email
We publish our response to Northern Ireland's consultation on introducing a statutory duty of candour for organisations
We publish our response to Social Work England's consultation on continuing professional development
We publish our response to the consultation on creating a patient safety commissioner in England
We have now submitted our full response to the Government's consultation on reforming regulation - 'Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public'
We gave evidence to the Health & Social Care Committee’s inquiry into the DHSC White Paper on White Paper Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care
We respond to the General Optical Council's consultation on draft guidance for registrants: Speaking up
We respond to Health Education England's consultation on draft standards for the Foot Health Workforce
Our response to the Care Quality Commission's consultation on its draft strategy and proposals on changes for flexible regulation