Here you will find policy advice we have developed for governments, regulators and others.
Our April 2009 advice to the Secretary of State provides the Department of Health with recommendations on a new Section 60 order to introduce changes to the regulators’ legislation.
February 2009 advice to the Secretary of State considers whether specific guidelines should be written by the regulatory bodies on writing references about colleagues.
Our November 2008 advice to the Secretary of State on setting up the new pharmacy regulator.
September 2008 advice to the Secretary of State on the principle of harmonisation of sanctions among regulators, with consultation and research results and a subsequent report in November 2009
The Authority's advice to the Secretary of State considering the issue of sharing information between regulatory bodies and employers at first entry to the register. Published September 2008
Our August 2008 advice to the Secretary of State recommends how employers should conduct investigations into concerns, and whether there might be a common definition of the threshold for referral of a concern to a regulatory body.
May 2008 advice to the Secretary of State on the practicality of student registration and how to deliver a proportionate and risk-based approach to student behaviour.
We publish a range of publications. In addition to policy advice, we publish discussion papers to promote and provoke discussion. We also carry out and commission research and publish the results. Find out more about the key themes and current topics we are focusing on: